It Will Be Given To You Accordingly 

We all know the saying of “The grass is greener on the other side” – and that’s ny current struggle. Whenever I look at my friends’ social media, I would wonder to myself – I wish it was me. For me, the most wonderful dream is to travel around the world, to speak different language, to enjoy different kind of dishes and to be a citizen of the world. It has been within me since I was very young.  

I did not travel much when I was young. The first time I went to Jakarta was at Year 11. For me, a small town girl, Jakarta is huge! Jakarta is the centre of life in Indonesia. But I never knew it until I was quite a grown up. The thought of “I wish I was born into a rich family” was sneaking here and there. Whenever I saw my classmates came back to school, I was having post-holiday syndrome. They wore the latest G-shock (I am from that generation), wear the newest shoes or some branded bags. While me, I was just the same old me. My parents only bought me one new bag every new school year, sometimes they skipped it whenever my Aunt gave us new school bag for our birthdays. I was inferior. I was believing that my grass is grey, almost died – while the others were green and even greener each day. 

As for now, I am blessed enough with my current job, in which it allows me to travel a lot. It allows me to meet new people, enjoying new dishes and still have the time to be with my family. But still, the thought of comparison is sneaking in. It steals my joy,  feed my jealousy and makes me ask a lot of questions – what if, why me and so many more. I realize that I need to stop, so I decided to write this post. 

I learned that by doing our work passionately, the rest will be taken care of by our God. We will see result according to our portion of work. We will be given, according to our quality of “giving our best”. 

I will enjoy my Sunday with a new belief, that I am blessed, that I have more than enough to be a blessing and that I will be given accordingly. God will always listen to your prayer, including mine, and be still for He is now working upon you. 

Have a blessed Sunday


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